Monday 22 October 2012

True Christian Sandles!!

"He [Jesus] brought the good news that God's promised rule of deliverance had arrived. To experience the kingdom Jesus preached is to experience God's presence. Jesus died so His work could clear the way for a fresh work of God's grace." —Dr. Darrell Bock

Today we call them our Tevas, Keens, and Crocs. The Roman soldiers called them their caligae. The toes were open, kind of like sandals, but underneath there was a thick sole with nails and spikes and stuff pounded through them—golf shoes for gladiators, flip-flops for real men. Why wear something like that? Because if you have slippery sandals on when you go to war and things get personal in hand-to-hand combat, it could cost you your life.

Paul probably had these caligae in mind when he was giving battle instructions to the Ephesian Christians:

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. Stand firm then... with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. —Ephesians 6:10, 11, 14, 15

Why do we stand firm on the Gospel? Because Satan is coming after us. He is angry, ruthless, deceptive, and cunning. We need to be able to stand firm on the Gospel (which means "good news").

But what is this good news Gospel message? It's usually some sort of a presentation about being saved from sin so that we can go to heaven. I'm all for that. But in Scripture, the message of forgiveness never stands alone. We are always forgiven for a reason—forgiveness is a means to an end that God had planned from eternity past—that we might experience His presence and experience the fresh work of God's grace.

Heavenly Father, show me the incredible full picture of good news revealed in Scripture. I want to stand firm, Lord, against the attacks of Satan. Show me the full Gospel that stabilizes my feet! Amen.

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