Tuesday, 18 September 2012


Word For Todayby UCB Media

'Who hath...translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son.' Colossians 1:13

The Bible says Jesus has 'delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of [God's] dear Son.' The New King James Bible says, 'He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son.' In one version it says we were 'conveyed,' in the other it says we were 'translated.' Both translations are correct; each just gives us a different slant on the truth. Let's look at each: 1) Conveyed. When a buyer purchases a house, the deed conveys ownership into the buyer's name. 'You were bought at a price; therefore glorify God...' (1Corinthians 6:20 NKJV). God owns you, therefore He has the right to send you anywhere and ask anything of you. 2) Translated. We translate books from one language to another. As a result the words sound different. Understand this: you live in the new kingdom, so stop speaking the language of the old one! When God's Word says you 'can' and you say you 'can't,' it's a signal to satan that he can influence you. Or worse, control you! The new birth calls for a new language. The Bible says that the power of life and death are in your tongue. So to thrive in God's kingdom and enjoy its benefits you must learn to say what God's Word says about each situation you face. This is not easy, and it's not learned overnight. But if you steep yourself in the Scriptures each day, you'll get to the place where your first response will be to quote God's Word. When that happens your life will change for the better.

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